2 Kings 5-8


Can the faith of a little girl bring about healing for Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram?

Naaman was a highly respected and valiant soldier but he also had leprosy.   Leprosy was a skin disease that would rob a person of the feeling in their extremities and so when they would hurt themselves they couldn’t feel any pain and so the wound would get infected and then have to be amputated. It was a highly infectious disease and by law they were to keep themselves separated from the rest of the community.

Naaman’s wife had a little Hebrew girl who had been taken captive, working for her. She saw Naaman’s predicament and offered up a suggestion. Her faith, led to Naaman’s healing and not only physical healing but Naaman (and remember he is a powerful man with great influence) also recognized the omnipotence of the Lord our God.

I noticed that Naaman also asked that he be forgiven for the times when he will have to serve his master by going into a pagan place. I think this is very helpful for us as Christians to recognize, that if our hearts are in tune with God, He will be with us wherever we might have to go for the sake of the gospel.

Isn’t it interesting though the turn of events in the life of the little Hebrew girl? She had been captured and taken away to become the servant of some foreign mistress and yet she was still able to share her faith with that of the pagans around her.

Life is like that for us sometimes, we may not like the situation we find ourselves in or the events that have taken place but we should always try to share the gospel where ever we can. A friend of mine puts it this way, “Bloom where the Lord plants you.” This little unnamed girl did just that.


Pastor Kathy

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