Romans 8


Read: Romans 8

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose. (8:28)

Paul wants us to know that nothing can separate believers from the love of Christ.

Paul says that we are more than conquerors. Have you ever wondered what it means to be “more than conquerors”? When you think about conquerors, there is a suggestion that the battle is against an enemy that could possible win. It would stand to reason that a conqueror might possibly be conquered.  But if there is no chance for the opponent to win, the person who wins… doesn’t just win, he vanquishes, annihilates the competition.  Say we are in a basketball game and the score is 150 to 2. We didn’t just win…, we didn’t just conquer… because there was never any chance that our opponent would ever win.

Throughout the Old Testament we read of many such times, when God’s people were more than conquerors… when winning was beyond any possibility, if done on their own.

Many times the Israelites were so outnumbered, and they succeeded in beating their enemies.

Think about the mighty Egyptian army. Not only did Israel defeat them (without ever drawing a sword) but they also brought with them all of the Egyptian wealth. That is more than conquering!

God often told them that He would fight their battles for them. Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” Look at the battle that Gideon fought (Judges 7). Or how Israel defeated the people of Jericho, by bring the walls down with trumpets and shouts (Joshua 6).

When we let God fight our battles for us, we are “more than conquerors”. There is no doubt that the enemy will be defeated.

God works in us and through us, the plans that He has for us. When we think that we have been outnumbered, outwitted… defeated, all we have to do is remember that through this tough time, God is working his plan out for us so that we will not only win, we will be beyond victorious.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Kathy