Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21

Well, we have quite a number of Psalms to read today. Do you ever feel like you get bogged down some reading the Psalms? If you are not a great fan of poetry, sometimes they can be hard to read, they don’t flow like a story does. So, I thought it might be quite useful to do something different with my blog today.

I want to use Psalm 8 as a time of prayer and praise – maybe some of you are familiar with praying the Psalms, maybe this is something new for you, but let’s give it a try.

Read through the entire psalm again, picturing in your mind or actually getting into an attitude of praise. Lift your hands, or kneel on the floor. Read this Psalm as you praise God. I’ll give you a moment to do that (ha, just kidding you’re reading you can stop and start on your own). Now look at verse 1. “O Lord, our Lord”. What does that say to you? God is not just mine, He is ours. There are many voices lifted up in praise of “Our God”. Verse 2: “how majestic is your name.” Ask yourself, how majestic is God’s name? Think of ways that His name is majestic. Here’s a couple of examples, 1. Name above all names (Phil 2:9) 2. The power of Jesus’ name (Acts 4:10) you get the idea. Now move to the next part. Where is the Lord’s glory? In heaven. What does that look like to you? Can you picture the glory of God being set in the heavens? Look at verse 3 – the psalmist says “When I consider your heavens the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars” – how great is God’s creation? And He has set His glory there. Where has God placed us (vs 5 & 6)? Who should praise God? Who is praising God? Look at the children, children have such an amazing ability to trust and not doubt it is only when we get older that we start to question things, but the psalmist is saying praise God with a child-like faith and trust. No reservations – just be all in, surrender all. Now, think of what praising God does to His (our) enemies? It silences them. They can’t stand in the face of our praising God. Then at the end once again, think of all the attributes of God and praise Him, Think of how powerful it is to call upon the Name of our Lord.

Be sure to let the Holy Spirit guide you through this exercise. I hope it brings joy to your day!

Singing God’s praises

Pastor Kathy

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