Proverbs 30-31


Today, we finish reading proverbs. So after all that talk a couple of days ago about the drippy faucet and the nagging wife, proverbs ends with a very beautiful picture of a godly woman.

In verse 31:18, the author says that the woman’s lamp burns continually. This too is a picture of both a prepared woman and a prepared Christian. In ancient Israel, the Messiah was going to be this great light that would shine forth and dispel the darkness.

It also makes me think of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. Five of them are prepared and keep their lamps lit, while the five foolish ones run out of oil and don’t have enough to keep their lamp lit.  When a woman (or a Christian) keeps her “lamp lit”, to me it shows that they are prepared. They know what is needed to stay true to the Lord.  

I hope that your “lamp” is burning brightly for Jesus now and always.


Pastor Kathy

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