Obadiah 1, Psalms 82 – 83


Let’s focus our attention on Obadiah today. What can we learn from the shortest book of the Old Testament? I think you’ll see there is quite a bit.

It is hard to identify just exactly who this Obadiah is, he doesn’t give us any background on himself like some of the other prophets. What we do know is that Obadiah has a message for the Edomites and for that matter, anyone who is an enemy of God’s people.  The Edomites were descendants of Esau, Jacob’s brother (remember the twins born of Isaac?) What Obadiah is saying is that Edom should have lived as a brother to Judah, but they did not. Instead they would align themselves with other nations to fight against Judah.

This prophecy tells us that God has pronounced a judgment against the wickedness of Edom. Obadiah declares that because of their pride, they will be destroyed “Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars,…from there I will bring you down.”(vs 4) Obadiah goes on to talk of all the sins and wrongs that Edom has done against Judah. They should have acted like brothers and stood with them instead of gloating over their misfortunes.
In the end, Obadiah prophesied the fall of Edom and the victory of Israel.“Esau will be a stubble” and “Jacob will be a fire” (vs. 18). By the end of the 1st century A.D., Edom was non-existent as a nation and the disciples of Jesus were spreading Christianity throughout the region. I’d say they were on fire.

So here’s what I think we can learn from this little book. Edom was filled with pride, so much so that they failed to help their “brother”. Are we often so filled with pride that we think we are better than our brothers and sisters, our neighbors? How can we help one another instead of ignoring their cry for help? Do we make fun of other people’s misfortune? Who is God telling you to help, to stand up with as they fight their battles?

One other observation. The countries that stand with Israel are blessed, the countries that don’t? Well, you see what the outcome of Edom was.  Who should our country be standing with?

Blessings on this day!

Pastor Kathy

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