Matthew 27


As a mother, I find it hard not to relate to Mary and to empathize with what she must have been going through.

From the time of Jesus’ conception until his death, it must have felt like a roller coaster ride. Never knowing completely what was happening. The high moments, like having kings bring Jesus gifts or watching him perform miracles and the joy that he bought to so many people. How the priests and the scribes were amazed at his knowledge and authority when he was only 12 years old. How the crowds praised Him and called him blessed just a few days before. And then the heartaches. Knowing that Jesus had a mission to accomplish that she would never fully understand. Seeing her son being criticized in his own hometown and almost stoned. Watching as they falsely accused him and cursed him and mocked him. How they hurt him.

I don’t know how she could have withstood the heartache, the pain of watching her son die such a horrible death.

There are many who suffer in today’s world. There is such loss and tragedy all around us. But if not for this one act of love… love greater than we could ever know, without Jesus going to the cross.. to be our sacrifice for us, we would never get to experience the joy of knowing that it gets better. Christ had to die (I don’t know why it had to be so harsh. Maybe because the world is so evil.) But Jesus had to die, in order for us to live.

I wish this could have been different, that the cruelty that He experienced would not have had to of happened, but I do know that I love Him. I love Him because I know that it was my place to be there, not his. It was my sin that He took on. Our sins that He bore. He was the perfect Lamb of God, sacrificed to save humankind. What greater Love could there ever be?

I only wish that more people would accept his Love.

Praising Jesus

Pastor Kathy