Matthew 24

Do you know the significance of the place where Jesus was sitting?

It’s known as the Mount of Olives. This is there very spot where the prophet Zechariah predicted that the Messiah would be when he came to establish his kingdom. (Zechariah 14:4) The disciples ask Jesus when that day will be, but Jesus responds by telling them, no one will know the hour or day. So the better thing to know is how to be prepared for that day. What should we be doing that will make us ready, no matter when He returns. Like the servant who is always ready for when the master might return. Doing what he is supposed to be doing. Not thinking I have tomorrow or the next day to get that done.

Ok so here’s one of my flaws…. Yes I have a few. I am always putting things off until later. Like doing these blogs. I don’t always do them faithfully every day. I have this thought in my head that I can put it off until later, but them something else comes up and well, you know the rest of the story.

But with making the decision to follow Jesus, that is not something that you should be putting off, thinking there’s always tomorrow, because Jesus is telling us there just might not be a tomorrow. He might come tonight, then where would you be? We are told to continue to work and serve Him, follow His commands and be watchful. Don’t be fooled by false prophets or those claiming to be Jesus.

I feel like it is going to get bad, very bad, before it gets better, but I love verse 13, “… the one who endures to the end will be saved.” 

This is a great promise for us to keep. In the end we will be saved. Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

Singing the Praises of my Savior

Pastor Kathy