Luke 19

So let me get this straight….the guy who doesn’t know Jesus is happy about Jesus, and all the godly people are mad at Jesus?   Doesn’t that seem backwards?    That’s because Jesus went here….
He invited himself over to “Zack’s” house.   Again, we see Jesus going out of His way to reach people who are lost.   And, when He does, there is real repentance and life change.   But the grumblers are the folks who are already a part of the family!  Now that I think about it…that’s exactly what happened in the story of the prodigal son.  
Someone told me once that those who pray hardest for revival are often the ones who miss it when it comes..because they were expecting it to come in a different way.   That’s the story of the Jewish leaders….they were praying hard for the Messiah to come, but here He was among them and they didn’t recognize Him.   They wanted desperately to see people converted, but when Zack does that very thing, they snivel about the way it happened.    How are the lost supposed to come to Christ unless those who are righteous go to them?   Jesus came to us…we go to others.
Today is Good Friday 2016, and I just read the account of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  It is hard to imagine that someone would love us enough to go through everything He did for us.   I see some people rejoicing, and others plotting His death.  It reminds me of my own life, really.     When I accept Christ and invite Him to come in, there is a part of me that rejoices.  And there is another part that isn’t happy.  The “carnal”, or “old me” part doesn’t want any new management.   The old me likes things the way they are…and immediately begins working to kill off Jesus.   This presents in many ways, often as frustration and anger with the church or church people, or the pastor.   If the devil can get us mad at people in the church, and get us out of there, then he has a better chance of getting rid of Jesus in our lives.
But there is another force at work as well.  Christ lovingly surrenders himself for me, and comes to my rescue….so that I may receive new strength and courage.   I find that I am able to resist temptation and evil.   Praise the Lord!
Just like Zacchaeus, our lives are changed when we truly repent.   Those who were complaining were not truly changed.
Resting the confidence that comes from knowing I belong to Him,

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