Luke 15


So what have you lost that you thought never would be found. I have to share a story with you about lost keys…

I seem to be having issues with losing my keys all the time. Now I know why I lose them… it’s because I don’t pay attention to where I put them when I come home or drive to other places. But really, I lost two sets of keys in the same day. How bad is that? Well, I also can tell you that I search very diligently when I do lose something. It actually makes me crazy when I lose something… to the point where I can’t stop until I find it.

Finding what once was lost. Something has been lost, a sheep, a coin, a son. And the shepherd and the woman search until they find what is lost. What a great time for celebration.  I’ve often said that people who are organized and know where everything is, never experience the joy of finding something that was hopeless lost. It’s almost like getting a present. That’s what is happening in this parable.

The son comes to his senses and returns home and there is great celebration for what was lost, what had been dead, has been found, has come back to life.

This scripture makes me think of the words to that great hymn, Amazing Grace. “I once was lost, but now I’m found.”

When we are lost, like the prodigal son, (which in case you ever wondered what prodigal means; according to it means – spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant) isn’t it wonderful to know that God is searching for us. Like the Good Shepherd who continues to search for his lamb or the woman who cleans ever spot she can, to find the coin she lost, that is exactly how hard God will come looking for us, until the last moment. He never gives up, as long there is breath in our bodies, God wants us to be His.

Don’t wait too long… turn around like the missing son, and come back to the Father. He will welcome you with open arms. It doesn’t matter what you have done or left undone… God will welcome you back.

Sharing the message

Pastor Kathy