Leviticus 8 – 10

February 15, 2016 (Monday)

In today’s reading there seems to be a lot of rules and regulations to follow and I think it can be very confusing for us to understand what it all means. There is always order to what God commands

and what He commands we need to follow or there can be serious consequences. You see in today’s reading that God has called Aaron and his sons into the priesthood. God calling Aaron is another example of God using people who are less than perfect. (You’ll remember Aaron – brother of Moses, is the one who let the people persuade him to make the golden calf). There are so many people that God has called throughout the scriptures, Moses – a murderer, Rahab – a prostitute, David – an adulterer, Peter – the one who denied Jesus, Paul – a persecutor of Christians, to name a few. All of these “flawed” people where made “holy” not by their own actions, but because God orchestrated the means for us to be cleansed. It took the Holy One, Jesus Christ – who was perfect; to become “flawed” for us, who are imperfect so that we could be made “flawless.” –

God does not call the perfect, He calls the willing.

I hope you are willing to be called by God, to love and serve Him

Blessings on the day



If you have never seen the video by titled “Flawless” you might want to check it out.


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