John 21

Why in the world would John mention 5 disciples by name and then say “and two others”.  Why not say their names?
There are lots of things in this passage that make me smile.   Peter and friends have become bored I guess, so they are going fishing.   Sometimes when you don’t know what to do, keeping yourself busy with a favorite activity can be therapeutic. 
I think the main reason John wrote this last thought is to record Jesus’ reinstatement of Peter, and to dispel the rumor that Jesus said he would live forever.   Peter has been martyred by the time John writes, so I’m not sure why he felt it was so important to include this.  It’s good that he does, because from it we learn that Jesus is always willing to forgive.   The nature of God is love, which means He is compassionate, forgiving and kind.  
What a great example of humility Jesus portrays!   Here He is, the resurrected Son of God, and He’s preparing a fire and roasting fish for His friends.   It makes me think that spending eternity with Him going to be so wonderful.  I can’t even imagine what that’s going to be like…sitting around with Jesus.   Do you think we will be able to do that?  How could it even be possible, with so many people in heaven?
I was just thinking; Jesus sees that the disciples are out of fish, and he is concerned about that.   By the time they arrive on shore Jesus already has fish on the grill.   He asks them for a few more, but I don’t think He needed them to supply Him.   This miracle is simply one more evidence that Jesus is loving and compassionate towards his friends.
Isn’t it crazy what people remember?  This is written many years after the actual event, and John still remembers there were 153 fish. 
Celebrating God who always supplies,

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