John 17


What is your opinion on the importance of prayer?

Well, if you are a Christ-follower, then it better be pretty high on your list, because it was obvious that it was important to Jesus. Even though Jesus criticized the use of a “formal” or “high prayer” (Matthew 6:5-8), he did instruct the disciples through “The Lord’s Prayer” on what they should say when they pray, a prayer that we could use to model. But if we look through the scriptures to see what emphasis Jesus put on prayer you’ll notice that he prayed before big decisions. Jesus was in prayer all night before choosing his disciples. (Luke 6:12-13). Jesus would rise early for prayer. (Mark 1:35). In Matthew 14:23, we read that Jesus went off alone to pray after he had finished feeding the 5,000. At his baptism Jesus was praying when the Holy Spirit came upon Him. (Luke 3:21-22) He was also in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane when He was preparing himself for the suffering that would come.

Prayer was so very important to Jesus, he knew the power of prayer, the oneness that you feel with God when connected through prayer.

“John Wesley called prayer the first means of grace. He said that it is a grand means of drawing near to God. A lack of prayer on the other hand is primarily responsible for what Wesley referred to as ‘the wilderness state,’ that is, spiritual dryness and purposelessness.” (
The Power of Holy Habits
, by William Hinson, pgs 12-13)

Without prayer our lives lack purpose. We are given directions from God through prayer, through a closeness to the Father.

Our reading for today is centered on a single prayer. A prayer spoken by Jesus, often referred to as the High Priestly. A prayer for the disciples and by the end a prayer for us.

Jesus is telling us through this prayer that the time has come for him to be glorified, just at God is glorified. Have you ever wondered what it means to be glorified? Well, generally it means to give honor or praise; to raise someone up. To respect someone. Jesus is saying that what has been happening, his lessons, his healings, his mission, his life has all been centered around bringing glory to God. Jesus is not going to go to the cross as a tragic victim, but as a conqueror. Jesus’ death and resurrection will bring an unmatched glory to God.

Jesus prays for the disciples. He knew that the world would hate them. The world is always at opposition to the ways of Jesus. Jesus also prays that they will know what it is like to have the same connection that He experiences with God through prayer.

This prayer is so rich, so powerful. It is for the disciples who were with him and it is for us today. To know that centuries ago, before He would be taken to the cross, Jesus was thinking about you and me. His concern about how we would survive this life… is well breath-taking. He loves us so much that even in His most critical hour… He is concerned about us and so He prays.

I hope you realize the significance… the importance of this prayer.

Pastor Kathy