Job 1-5


I’ve always found reading Job scares me.

It scares me because I can’t even begin to imagine what that must have been like when everything Job had was destroyed and all his children were killed and then to top it all off, he is in physical pain. How would you not go insane over such a loss. We suffer when we lose even insignificant things, like I spent hours one day looking for a gift card that I had misplaced. I was frustrated and I cried and I had a real meltdown. It was a significant amount of money but it certainly wasn’t the end of the world. And then I read Job. Puts a lot of stuff into perspective for me. But at the same time I wonder, how would I deal with half of the loss that he suffered? Could I? I know that I would probably wonder as Job did, why was this happening, haven’t I done everything like you ask? But as we will learn through the book of Job, “God’s ways are not our ways” and “who can know the mind of God.” My prayer for us today is that we never have to experience what Job did, but if it should happen, (and I know many people have experience incredible tragedies) may God give us the peace and the strength to carry on.



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