Isaiah 1-4

Who is Isaiah and what message does he have?
Isaiah was one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament. His message is strong and deals with not only events of the immediate future for his time, but also events that will happen in later years. Isaiah prophesied during the reigns of many of the kings we just have been reading about, Ahaz, Uzziah, Jotham and Hezekiah. Isaiah sees the decay that is happening in Judah and Israel and calls the people to repent of their sins and turn back to God. Unfortunately, most of the people get angry and refuse to listen. People then and now, seem to have trouble hearing out God’s judgment and His refusal to let His people divide their attention between Him and idols.

Because of their corrupt and sinful hearts, Isaiah’s warnings seem to fall on deaf ears and the prophecies that he gives will be fulfilled in the exile. They will lose all that God has given them. Do you remember when the Israelites were first set free from bondage to the Egyptians? What did God tell them? If they stayed true to God and He would watch over them and bless them, but if they refused, he would turn His back on them. The warnings were there. Many prophets tried to tell the kings and the people. But their hearts would not turn back.

The first part of Isaiah is filled with the message of judgment to God’s people, but the second part is a message of forgiveness, comfort and hope. This part of Isaiah’s writings gives us many references to the coming Messiah, to the Jesus who brings salvation and is our only hope.

So as you read Isaiah, remember that his message is one for us today. Yes, we have sinned, we are corrupt, but when we repent and accept the gift of salvation – given to us through the blood of Jesus, we are forgiven and we are given eternal life and peace with Him.


Pastor Kathy

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