Hosea 1-7


Many people learn better through images and hands on teaching. God uses this technique to show the Israelites just how they have been behaving.

Hosea, a prophet of God is called to do something strange. God wants him to marry a prostitute. A woman who has sold herself to others. This image is exactly what God’s people have done to Him. If you think of our relationship with Christ as a marriage (which is an image used throughout the New Testament – Revelation 19:7-10, Ephesians 5:22-23, 2 Corinthians 11:2) and Christ is our husband, then when we seek to align ourselves with different gods, whether they are gods of indulgence or self-serving, or gods of indifference or gods of greed and pride, (this list could be very extensive) we are in actuality, committing adultery with God. We are leaving our marriage partner and seeking someone or something to replace Him with.

Christ has already shown his love for us, by dying in our place and all He asks of us in return is to remain faithful to Him. Don’t sell yourself to the “gods” of this world.


Pastor Kathy

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