Hebrews 4

Just because God has prepared a place for us doesn’t guarantee that you will go there when you die.

The place of “rest” that God created has been ready since the world was created, according to the author. That’s a tantalizing thought, but let’s simply accept his premise and move on to the larger topic: how to enter into God’s rest.    The place of rest is identified as heaven.  Some Jews would say “no, when Moses died Joshua brought us into the promised land, and this country that we live in now is the place of rest.  We are already here.”   But what happened to the Jews was simply a foreshadowing of what would happen to the whole human race.  Mankind had drifted away from God and was now being called back, the Jews were simply acting out on a smaller scale a greater spiritual truth.   And the lesson they were learning was this: if you want to enter into heaven, then you must accept Jesus, and remain faithful throughout your life.   If you harden your hearts and reject Him and walk away, you will not enter into His rest.  You cannot “believe and leave”…you must remain.

Verses 12 – 16 are very popular, and many sermons have used them as a foundation. In context these verses are telling us two things: 1. God’s Word is powerful.  If we apply it to our lives it will bind us to a new family, even as it severs us from an old one.  His Word cannot be manipulated or twisted.  What God stated will come true, we must obey or we will not receive what was promised.   2.  God himself is loving, kind and compassionate.  He has experienced life as a human, even though he is and always was God.  Because He knows us He is able to treat us with compassion, and wants to intercede for us.

Combine these two ideas: iron clad Word of God held by a compassionate, loving Father; and you get an idea of what the author is implying.   God has spoken and He will not go back on His Word.  If you fail to remain faithful, you will not enter.  However, a loving and compassionate God stands ready, able and eager to assist you in every possible way to make sure that you succeed and remain all the way to the end.


Thankful,   PR

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