Genesis 8 – 11


So in chapter 11, there is another of the bible’s genealogies.

I actually love reading genealogies. My family has its history traced back to 1470’s (yep that’s before Columbus discovered America). Each person in that list played a part of me being where I am today. If any small thing throughout the years would have happened differently… quite possibly, no Kathy.

As I read of the descendants of Shem (son of Noah), it fascinates me to think that Shem was still living when Abraham was born. Abraham could have heard the story of the Ark first hand from someone who was there. Imagine that. It would be like my ancestor (Lt. Joseph Kellogg, born 1626) telling me about what it was like to come to the “new world” to build a new life in a wilderness settlement.

What lessons would Abraham have learned from his Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr….grandfather? How faithful God is to keep his promises? How important it is to live a righteous life? “When you see a rainbow Abram, remember that is a covenant between God and mankind.”

I am so thankful to know that God will always keep his promises. On this I put my trust.



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