Galatians 1

Why are we switching from reading Acts to Galatians?   Well, Paul just visited some of the churches he planted in Galatia, and he has some things to share with them.
At the beginning of his second missionary journey Paul stops off at several of the churches he planted on his first journey.   Lystra, Derbe, etc…   These churches are all grouped together in Asia Minor (Turkey) in a region about the size of a county or two here in the U.S.    In Paul’s day there were about 6 of these areas just west of Antioch.  Pamphylia, Cilicia, Lysia, Mysia….these were all “regions” that he ministered in.   When Paul wrote, he intended the letter to be passed from church to church, so everyone could benefit from his insights.   So whatever he was seeing must have been systemic.
Paul sees that people are quickly drifting away from the faith.  Actually they are being drawn away into a false religious belief.  (more on this later)     Here’s how Paul deals with it:   He begins his defense of the ministry by listing his qualifications to speak.  He reminds his listeners that God himself appointed Paul to share the Gospel with Gentiles.    He then insists that there is only one correct way to worship God, and that the others who are “cutting in” are false teachers.   Finally, he will cal the people to repentance and recommitment.
Today, the exact same thing happens.  There are several very popular and prominent religious beliefs that simply will not get you into heaven.   I’m sure to make some enemies by saying this, but the Bible doesn’t support the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus…or even Jews who still believe in “old” Judaism.   That’s because each of those religions declare the Jesus Christ is something other than the one and only Son of God who died for our sins, so that we could be forgiven and enter into heaven.    Jesus was not created, he was both human and divine, and He died and was resurrected from the dead, to re-enter heaven from where He now sits beside the Father, and advocates for us.
There is no salvation available through anyone or anything save Him.   HE is the only path, the only door, the true vine and the sole Word of God made flesh.    Without Jesus “first, last and always” we simply have nothing to say.
Someone had entered the churches in Galatia and convinced them that they needed “Jesus and …….”    And that’s what Paul is upset with.   When you agree that you need something other than Christ, you diminish and deny the power which He has.    So beware the person who says “our good deeds count toward salvation” or “we must give money” in order to be saved.   Beware the one who insists on a certain form of dress, or diet, or anything of that nature.
Of course, all of those things can be good and healthy for a Christian…but none of them are necessary for salvation.   Salvation has been arranged and paid for by Jesus, you cannot, and should not suggest that you need to add something to what He already did to “cover the cost”.      Now, having said that….once we become disciples of Jesus, there are lots of thngs that we should do.  But they are done out of love and devotion, and presented as gifts, instead of as payment.
Rejoicing in the one who paid the price for all sin,

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