Exodus 25-27

A couple of things are mentioned here that many people forget when they decide to build.
For instance, much of what was included in the temple came from the people directly.  Some of the things that they donated were used as they were received, and other things were sold for cash in order to pay salaries, or purchase other items.
The Ark of the Covenant was never to be touched, that’s why the wooden poles are ordered to stay in the gold rings and never be moved.   Many years from now, someone who means well will touch the Ark and immediately die.   God gives His directions for a purpose.
The table has gold rings to carry it with, but it isn’t as holy as the Ark.  In can be touched as needed.   It’s interesting that God gives the people the exact amount of gold that is needed to create the lampstand.  These items are being patterned after the originals that exist in heaven.    Hebrews 8:5
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and the description of what the temple was supposed to look like makes me dizzy, so I am including a picture that will give you some idea.
Image result for tabernacle pattern
I have no idea what to blog about here, so instead I will just jot down a couple of
my own observations:
1,  Items inside the holy place were made of gold, but outside they are bronze
2.  There are specific directions given, nothing is left open to interpretation or artistic license.   This applies right down to where the lamp is supposed to sit in the room.
3.  The front of the temple faces east.  The eastern gate is the front door.
4.  The whole tabernacle has a smaller footprint than our church.   The church is 100 ft wide and 200 feet long.   The tabernacle would fit inside it with room to spare.
5.  The lamp is always burning and it receives it’s supply of fuel from the people.
6.  The inner curtain shields the Ark from the people.  Very few people ever saw the Ark of the Covenant after it was built.   Only Moses, Aaron and the High Priest.   When it was traveling, it was wrapped in cloth, and when it was stationary it was behind the curtain.    It is without a doubt the most holy piece of Israel’s furniture.   And, the presence of God didn’t live inside the Ark.  The presence hovered over the Ark, looking down on the covenant tablets which were being protected by Cherubim.
Interesting, and certainly worth getting the image in our mind for use later.