John 7

When you don’t have your facts straight, you can make some bad decisions, and that’s exactly what happened here.


Numbers 18 – 20


In the reading for today, God outlines for the people how the priests are to be cared for by the people. Supporting the priests (and clergy) is an obligation of the people commanded by God. But that’s not what I want to talk about.


Numbers 16 & 17


Trouble in camp. Moses authority is challenged again. I cannot even begin to imagine the difficulties Moses faced every day from these self-centered, rebellious people. They certainly get put in their place. (Literally, they are swallowed up in the ground.) 


Matthew 18

Do little children who die go to heaven?   How should I address a problem I have at church?   You’ll find the answers to those questions, and more in this chapter.


Mark 9

Let me get this straight:   Jesus asks the disciples what they are talking about and they say “it’s none of your business?”


Numbers 14 -15, Psalms 90


Well, I think I can safely say the Israelites really angered God. Here God is, trying to bless them with a “land flowing with milk and honey” and what do they do? They decided that their fear of the Amalekites, et al, is stronger than their faith in what God can and will do for them.


Numbers 11 – 13


Wow, there is a lot in today’s reading – it would take me several pages to comment on it all, like God providing meat for the people (11:1-20), and controversy over who can prophesy (11:26-28) and about Moses authority (12:1 – 15) and then there is the story of the spies going into the land – 12 go but only 2 trust in the power of God. But as I read through those lesson there was one recurring theme – did you happen to catch what is was?


Numbers 8 – 10


I can almost hear the fanfare as the Israelites get into formation to head out on their journey. The next step in God’s plan for His chosen ones. What an amazing picture, the massive amounts of people and belongings all being packed up and assembled in order, just waiting for the trumpet to sound and then each section takes off and falls into their proper place. The imagery for me is awesome.


Matthew 17

Have you ever wondered what our bodies might look like when we get to heaven?  Maybe this passage gives us a clue.


Numbers 7


In our reading today, we see a great amount of gift giving. Each tribe has responded by bringing their offerings to God. They have witnessed the way God has cared for them and protected them and so as they are getting ready to depart from Mt Sinai, they show their love by giving back to God.


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