1 Corinthians 2

Paul is moved to talk about the importance of the Holy Spirit, and what he says literally changes everything.
Paul says that he isn’t the most eloquent or gifted speaker, but that his message declared legitimate by the demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power.  I suppose he is referring to the miracles and the gift of speaking in tongues.   What’s truly most important here isn’t how the Spirit validated Paul, but that it was the SPIRIT that validated Paul.
The Holy Spirit is the believers connection to Jesus Christ.  The Christian life cannot be lived victoriously without the Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit who helps us understand Scripture, counsels us and helps us make decisions.   Without the constant presence of the Holy Spirit, we would wander away.
The Spirit isn’t just for a special few who prefer (maybe the wrong word) animated worship, He is the third person of the Trinity, a being in and of himself, while still part of the “oneness” of the Godhead.
When we open ourselves up to the Spirit, we enter into “oneness” with God…in the sense that we can see, hear and feel what God himself is thinking, as the Spirit reveals it.
Can you imagine it?   The Spirit grants us access to the very mind of Christ!   Such a thought is difficult to comprehend.
So the next time you are suddenly filled with joy in worship, or filled with sadness as you see something sinful, remember that YOU have the mind of Christ.
One last thought…  Since we are connected in such a personal and intimate way with Jesus, lets not allow any impure things into our mind…because it stands to reason that we would be putting those impure thoughts right before God.
The Holy Spirit will help us to remain pure, if we allow Him.
In pursuit of purity,

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