Proverbs 16-18

Good morning all.  There is much to absorb in our reading today, and I confess it isn’t coming as quickly this AM as I would prefer.  I think I will “marinate” in the reading today before I make any notes on it.   Enjoy!
There are several verses in today’s reading that I have committed to memory.  They help me refocus myself to correct thinking when I wander off into negativity.   Things like “gray hair is the crown of the aged” helps me remember that I shouldn’t be upset or worried about gray hair, I should be proud.   I know most people aren’t, but that’s the point really.   It ties right into the idea that “there is a way that seems right to a man, but in th end it leads to death”.   It seems right to worry about getting older.  It seems right to worry that the United States is becoming less Christian and more agnostic.  It seems right to quit helping others and spend my time and energy focusing on me and my family.   But none of those are actually the right thing to do.  Often what seems right to us is really the wrong thing, that’s why we need to check every action against the Bible.
I saw in today’s reading (17:8) that Solomon said “Bribes are like lucky charms, whoever gives one will prosper”.   I have a hard time thinking that Solomon was in favor of bribery, maybe he was simply commenting on human nature.   We are more likely to do something if we receive a token in return.  I don’t like to think of the free t-shirt that I get when I contribute to a ministry as a bribe…but really that’s what it is, right?   
I Googled the word “bribe” and it’s defined as “persuading someone to act in your favor, typically illegal or dishonest”.   Clearly, Solomon would not be advocating for illegal or dishonest activity, because today’s whole reading emphasizes justice, honesty and fairness, especially on behalf of leaders.   I find myself wondering if he was using the word bribe as a synonym for “incentive”.   If I am going to tap into Solomon’s wisdom, then what ways can I incentivize people to attend church or respond to the Gospel?    How can I incentivize children to come to VBS?
I’m not trying to discount the work of the Holy Spirit, which is integral, of course.
As I read these verses I am thinking that Solomon is noticing that some people are wise and getting wiser, and some are ignorant and remaining that way.  There really are two groups of people, now that I think about it….some aren’t ever going to learn anything…not because they can’t, but because for a variety of other reasons:  they think they know everything already, they are too lazy to make the effort, they have a poor opinion of the teachers, or whatever…    As Solomon looks at the “fools” I don’t think they were all poor.  I think there are some very wealthy and influential people who are foolish.   It’s the fool who says in his heart “there is no god”.   The fool will not listen to counsel, and constantly argue, foster bitterness and create hardship.   Somewhere in Proverbs it says “a rod for the backs of fools!”.    There’s nothing worse than a person who doesn’t understand what they are talking about who is openly negative and argumentative to those who are in leadership.   They create problems where there aren’t any, and arouse controversy and suspicion, effectively shutting down any progress… at which time they feel they have accomplished something, because they stopped something good from happening. 
How frustrated God must be with fools.   He came to earth to share the good news of eternal life with His own creation, and in return the fools deny that He is genuine, accuse Him of trying to spread false doctrine and have Him killed.   In later years the fools have effectively created an environment that is openly hostile to Christianity.  The fools have actually turned the argument around and now those who believe in God are considered the fools!    In spite of the preponderance of evidence proving that we were designed by God, for God…it’s now popular to believe there is no good.   All because of the fools.
Beware fools, there is a day coming when the rod will be on your backs.  And frankly, (and I know this sounds harsh)…you deserve it.
If you think that’s too harsh, think of the children that will be in eternal torment because some fool talked them into it.